Run Your House For Free

Energy prices are skyrocketing. I guess that's not news, but here's what most people don't know...
It's going to get worse. Much worse.
You see, our energy comes from fossil fuels — oil, natural gas and coal. Have you see the prices of those things lately? They're scarce. We're running out. And prices are shooting to the moon. That means flipping the light switch in your living room is getting to be crazy costly, and it's going nowhere but up.
But I've got some good news...
The "Secret" Free Energy You've Been Missing
Last time you walked outside, did you notice anything? ENERGY! It's all around you in two forms:
* Sunlight
* Wind
The amazing thing is, even if you're not a crazy scientist or some kind of genius, you can harness the power of sunlight and wind in your own house. It's easy, and actually pretty simple to understand.
A Simple Technology That Lets You Run Your House For Free
I won't bore with science you don't care about, but it helps to know just a little.
Energy is electrons. You get those from batteries, or through wires running from the electric company to your house. Those flowing electrons are an electric current, and that's what you send to your light bulbs when you flip the switch... or to your laptop to charge it up... or to your electric cooling system to turn on your air conditioner.
What most people don't know is that it really doesn't matter where you get your electrons. Your local power company sells them, but you don't have to buy from those guys!
All you need to do is find yourself a cheaper electron source. Sunlight and wind will do the job!
So there's the proven science. It's great, but unless you know what you're doing, there's no way to run your house on sunlight and wind. And believe me, there are plenty of people who really don't want you to find out about this.
Do you think your power company wants to lose their profits because you get all the juice you need for free? Don't bet on it.
But if you could run your house for free, you wouldn't care in the least what your power company wanted, or what their watts cost. That's why you might want to sit down when I show you how to...
Build Your Own Power Supply For Pennies, Drop Off The Grid and Scoff At The Power Company!
I'm going to show you how to build your own solar panels or windmills (you can choose which one works best for you, or use both) to generate power for your house. I'm not kidding at all. This is real and it works like a charm.
You'll see your home electric bills plummet by 80% or more almost immediately.
Most people assume this technology is complicated. It's really not. You don't need a PhD to understand this stuff. In fact, if somebody explains it it you, and gives you a plan to follow, it's as easy to do as assembling a piece of ready-made furniture.
As you saw in the videos I just showed you, the trick is understanding just a little science and technology behind what you're doing.
You're going to rig up simple gadgets to transform sunlight and wind into electrons. It's that simple.
What's great about it is, not only will you be getting your home power for free, but you'll also be helping the environment. Sunlight and wind are truly "green" energy, but we've been told for years that they're too expensive or impractical. Wrong!
You don't have to understand all the science, but by all means you should understand that sunlight and wind are free, and you can start using them to power your home. It's 100% safe, 100% clean, and 100% easy to do.
To find out more click below:


Living On the Grid with Solar Power

Many people, especially in remote locations, choose to have totally self-sufficient solar power systems. These systems are designed to provide all the energy that is needed 24 hours a day all year round. However, others are able and prefer to stay on the utility grid while using solar power.
With an inverter that produces a pure sine wave as a part of a solar power system, the system can be connected to the utility grid in most cases. This allows consumers to have the backup of utility power instead of dealing with storage batteries.
Being connected to the utility grid helps utility customers who do not want to put a large solar system on their home. It also aids in cases where there simply is not enough sunlight to generate enough power each day.
There are several advantages to being a part of the utility grid. One comes from net metering. This is a program that is offered in many places. It allows utility customers with solar power systems to see profits from their excess energy output.
The way net metering works is simple. Anytime the solar power system produces more energy than is used in the home, consumers get credit for it on their utility bills. In some cases this will never amount to cash rebates, but will always be credits put towards a present or future electric bill. In some cases, however, there will be a catch-up check at the end of the year if you have produced more than you used.
Another important concept for people who use solar power on the grid is time of use (TOU) net metering. This is done by installing special meters which measure the time of power usage from the grid. Since power off the utility grid costs more at peak times and seasons, the meter measures the different peak and non-peak usage.
By knowing when peak periods are – for instance during the heat of the day or during the summer – consumers can try to rely on their solar power during those times. To make up for what cannot be done by solar energy, power chores can be done during off-peak times. For example, water might be cooled for air conditioning ahead of time.
Many people feel that battery storage is important to their systems. In case of a utility power outage, they do not want to go without power to their homes. This is especially true in states that are notorious for having blackouts, such as California. For this reason if for no other, these people do not want to give up their batteries.
There has been some talk of banning the use of solar power systems with battery backup on some utility grids. So far, net metering has triumphed with the use of batteries or without.
Living solar on the grid is not only possible; it is a good option for many people. Some analysts claim that solar power can only advance when people go completely solar. However, converting your electrical system to a mostly solar one is a step in the right direction.
Today’s technology gives you the ability to make power at home with solar and wind energy so that you can eliminate your power bill.
Get our complete guide below:

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