How to create a business from growing and selling plants

I have just finished reading the new eBook by Richard Allen ‘How to create a business from growing
and selling plants’. Which has just been released? If you have ever fancied quitting your job and
spending your life with plants this could be for you.

Richard has been involved in the nursery industry since he was a kid. I have met him at flower shows
throughout the country and even bought some Clematis off him. He explains the reason he wrote
the eBook was when at the shows people keep commenting on how lucky he was spending his time
with plants. He agreed and after spending a few months thinking about it decided to reveal his

In the sales letter he promises to show you how you can give up work if you wish within 12 months,
and start a business growing and selling plants, creating an income of between £500 and £1000 per
week. He also points out how this is the ultimate lifestyle business for anyone who loves plants and
gardening. He also explains how you can start with a few hours a week. He also states that within a
few days of reading the eBook you can start earning some money.

In my opinion it is a great addition to most gardeners’ library. If you have ever dreamed of working
with plants all day the blueprint makes sense, even If you like me always end up growing too many
plants at times, this eBook gives you loads of ways you can turn these into cash. I used one of his
strategies to turn some unwanted plants into cash last week.

It covers a lot of subjects not covered in other books available like how to grow a plant and get it
ready for sale, what to grow and also where to sell it, wholesale and retail. It also gives you a brief
overviews of propagation techniques, which could probably due with some video added. He also
explains how to set up your irrigation system, fight garden pests, feeding your plants and how to set
up a small nursery, which really impressed me.

As this is his first public release he did a one hour audio interview with one of his first customers
which covers any issues he missed from the book. He also asks if there are any ways he can improve
the eBook for you, and promises free updated. At the time of writing he is also giving email
consultation, but this is limited.

The biggest criticism is the one page business plan which really should be 4 pages. Apart from this it’s
a great read and I thoroughly recommend a look. It comes with a 8 week money back guarantee so if
like me you always love new information, at least order the eBook read through and if it’s not for
you let Richard know and he will refund you immediately.

For more information on this, click the link below:


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